John Scales Avery
World Peace Activist | Author | Professor
John Scales Avery (1933-2024) was part of Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs that shared the 1995 Nobel Peace Prize for their work. He was also Chairman of the Danish Peace Academy. John was theoretical chemist at the University of Copenhagen.


Collected Essays, Volume VI
This book by John Scales Avery contains a collection of essays and articles discussing the severe problems and challenges which the world faces during the 21st century

Lives in Biology
John Scales Avery talks about the lives and works of some of the renowned biologists as a part of series on cultural history.

Who is My Neighbor?
On our small but beautiful earth, made small by technology, made beautiful by nature, there is room for one group only - the family of humankind. The latest book by John Scales Avery.

A Critical Decade
Humanity is hurtling towards destruction unless we have the collective wisdom to change course quickly.

Lives of Some Great Novelists
John Scales Avery talks about the lives and works of some of the renowned novelists as a part of series on cultural history.

67 Years in the Peace Movement
John Scales Avery has a long history of working on causes of peace, economic equality, and helping us think of what a better world could look like. Here he shares his experience of working in the peace movement for almost seven decades

The Social Responsibility of Scientists
We must educate our scientists in such a way that the acquisition of a sense of social responsibility will be part of their education. The latest book by John Scales Avery.

We must urgently address the problem of climate change and we must shift money from military expenditure to the support of birth control programs and agricultural research

Lives in Mathematics
This book will be of interest to students of mathematics and other disciplines related to mathematics, such as theoretical physics and theoretical chemistry.

The World As It Is And The World As It Could Be
John Avery tries to contrast the world that we experience today, filled with terrifying existential threats, such as catastrophic climate change, pandemics, all-destroying nuclear war, and the threat of large-scale famine, with the world that we would wish it to be

Madmen and Economists
John Scales Avery discusses the reasons for economists’ almost-religious belief in growth, and the impossibility of long-continued growth of anything physical on a finite planet

Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand is at Our Throats
Today, our greed-based, war addicted and growth-obsessed economic system poses even greater threats than it did during the early phases of the Industrial Revolution.

Ethics for the Future
A society that is technologically advanced, but ethically primitive, will destroy itself. We need a global ethical system to match our technologically advanced global society.

A History of the Earth
On our small but beautiful earth, made small by technology, made beautiful by nature, there is room for one group only: the family of humankind.

The Road Not Taken
Although we might embrace our destiny, we sometimes think with regret on the road not taken, and wonder what might have been if we had chosen other paths.

Ye Are Many, They Are Few!
This book by John Scales Avery addresses the question of how oligarchs maintain their grasp on an excessive share of wealth and power when, as Shelley points out, the have-nots are many, while the power-holders are few.

Our World is Burning
Although the worst threats from catastrophic climate change lie in the long-term future, we are starting to see the effects of climate change today.

The Ecological Impact of Militarism
The survival of civilization can only be ensured if we are able to abolish destructive weapons and the institution of war. We must develop a new global ethic, which will replace our narrow loyalties by loyalty to humanity as a whole.

Remembering the 1960’s
The 1960’s can inspire us today because as well as being a period of change, the decade was characterized by hope and optimism. We need hope. We need optimism.

Some Aspects of Quantum Theory
This book by John Scales Avery will be of interest to students and researchers in mathematics, physics and theoretical chemistry. The book especially emphasizes the relativistic treatment of resonance energy transfer.

Lives in Exploration
This book traces the history of how humans explored and settled in the entire earth, and in our own times even reached out farther, exploring the outermost parts of the solar system.

Human Nature
Conflicting answers have been given by philosophers, scientists and religious leaders over the centuries about the human nature. These answers will be reviewed and discussed in this book by John Scales Avery

Malthus Revisited
Many people maintain that because both our food supply and the global population of humans have grown so enormously, Malthus was wrong. However, John Scales Avery believes that we still must listen to the warning voice of Malthus

Benefits of Equality
“If Trump is a symptom, what is the disease?” One often encounters this interesting question in alternative media articles. I think that at least part of the answer is “Excessive economic inequality”.

Lives in Education
Education is an investment that gives dividends. The life of a knowledge worker is extremely interesting and rewarding. We need to reform our teaching of history so that the emphasis will be placed on the gradual growth of human culture and knowledge, a growth to which all nations and ethnic groups have contributed.

Rebuilding After Corona
It is hard to predict how long the terrible COVID-19 pandemic will last, but at some time in the future it will end. The post-pandemic world must be a new and changed world!

Lives in Poetry
In this book, John Scales Avery presents an historical anthology of the poems of some of the world’s great poets, from very early times until the present, and from many countries and cultures.

Linked Dangers to Civilization
In this book, John Scales Avery explores the following issues: dangers from COVID-19, catastrophic climate change, the danger of thermonuclear war, the danger of widespread famine, the global refugee crisis, the loss of democratic institutions, apocalyptic loss of biodiversity, and intolerable economic inequality.

Lives in Painting
In this book, John Scales Avery shares the story of the lives and work of some of the world’s great painters, from earliest times to the present.

Climate Change Means Lifestyle Change
This book by John Scales Avery deals with the world’s failure to adequately address the existential danger of catastrophic climate change.

Lives in Engineering
Science and engineering have combined to give humans mastery over nature. This latest book by John Scales Avery traces that historical development, looking mainly at the contributions of engineering.

Lives in Astronomy
The Earth may be just a small blue speck drifting in the dark immensity of space, but it is our home, and we must work with courage and dedication to care for it.

Terrorism: A False Threat
This book by John Scales Avery deals with the terrible consequences of the so-called “War on Terror” which followed the 9/11 attacks.

Fighting for America’s Soul
The book deals with the the current deep split in public opinion in the United States. Democratic institutions are in danger from racism and neo-fascism. Progressives are fighting to save the values and institutions on which their country was founded. They are fighting to save America’s soul.

Lives in Chemistry
This book by John Scales Avery discusses lives in Chemistry and is part of a series on cultural history

The Passions of Mankind
This book by John Scales Avery discusses human emotions, seen from an evolutionary perspective.

Lives in Medicine
This book by John Scales Avery makes use of articles and book chapters that he has previously and recently written about the history of medicine.

Lives in Ecology
This book reviews the lives and thoughts of some of the women and men who have addressed the crucial problems of ecology and sustainability that we are currently facing. We need their voices today!

Fascism, Then and Now
There are many extremely worrying similarities between fascism in Europe in the 1930’s and the neo-fascism that we can see around us today.

Lives in Physics
This book by John Scales Avery aims to contribute to the goal of making the history of physics and its social impact available to a wide audience.

Lives in Economics
In this book, the lives of some of the women and men who have contributed to economic thought are sketched. Their ideas can help us today, as the world faces a crisis that has both economic and ecological dimensions.

Lives in the Peace Movement
It is not an impossible goal to think of enlarging the already-large groups of the modern world to include all of humanity. On our small but beautiful earth, made small by technology, made beautiful by nature, there is room for one group only: the all-inclusive family of humankind.

We Need an Ecological Revolution
Since rapid and fundamental changes are urgently needed to save the future, it is perhaps not an exaggeration to speak of the need for an ecological revolution. However, it must be a non-violent revolution.

Saving the Future
Only immediate climate action can save the future. If we don’t take action, the collapse of our civilizations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon

A World Federation
In order to save the world from destruction in a thermonuclear World War III, the United Nations Charter must be reformed and strengthened.

Searching for Truth
This book is about our search for truth. How can we distinguish truth from falsehood in a world where government controlled and corporation controlled mass media use distractions, omissions, lies and propaganda to manipulate us?

Population and the Environment
One hopes that human wisdom and ethics will continue to grow, but indefinite growth of population and industry on a finite earth is a logical impossibility.

The Information Explosion
This book discusses the role of information in evolution, and especially in the evolution of human culture.

The Devil’s Dynamo
It is a collection of articles and book chapters that John Scales Avery has written about the way in which military-industrial complexes throughout the world drive and perpetuate the institution of war. A considerable amount of new material has also been added.

Where Do We come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?
Regardless of whether the earth has a special importance when viewed on the scale of our fathomless universe, it is certainly important to us, and to the plants and animals with which we share the gift of life

Ethics and Evolution
In this book, John Scales Avery discusses evolution, artificial life, religious opposition to evolution, horrors linked to social Darwinism, the need for human solidarity and more.

Climate Change, Population Growth and Famine
Unless efforts are made to stabilize and ultimately reduce global population, there is a serious threat that climate change, population growth, and the end of the fossil fuel era could combine to produce a large-scale famine by the middle of the 21st century

Where Do We come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?
Regardless of whether the earth has a special importance when viewed on the scale of our fathomless universe, it is certainly important to us, and to the plants and animals with which we share the gift of life

Ethics and Evolution
In this book, John Scales Avery discusses evolution, artificial life, religious opposition to evolution, horrors linked to social Darwinism, the need for human solidarity and more.

Climate Change, Population Growth and Famine
Unless efforts are made to stabilize and ultimately reduce global population, there is a serious threat that climate change, population growth, and the end of the fossil fuel era could combine to produce a large-scale famine by the middle of the 21st century

Nuclear Weapons: An Absolute Evil
This book is a collection of articles and book chapters that John Scales Avery has written advocating the abolition of nuclear weapons. Some new material has also been added, for example a discussion of the Nuclear Weapons Convention which has recently been adopted by an overwhelming majority vote at the United Nations General Assembly.

The Climate Emergency: Two Time Scales
In his book John Scales Avery argues why is climate change an emergency and why quick change is needed to save the long-term future.

Languages and Classification
John Scales Avery explains languages and their classification in his book

Memories of Beirut and Tehran
This book is a collection of photos and descriptions documenting the period from 1926 to 1950 when my family spent many years in the Middle East. We were impressed with the high culture and enormous hospitality of the people whom we met, both in Beirut and in Tehran.

Collected Essays Vol I
This book contains a collection of essays and articles by John Scales Avery discussing the severe problems and challenges which the world faces during the 21st century.

Collected Essays Vol II
This book contains a collection of essays and articles by John Scales Avery discussing the severe problems and challenges which the world faces during the 21st century.

Collected Essays Vol III
This book contains a collection of essays and articles by John Scales Avery discussing the severe problems and challenges which the world faces during the 21st century.

Collected Essays Vol IV
This book contains a collection of essays and articles by John Scales Avery discussing the severe problems and challenges which the world faces during the 21st century.

Collected Essays Vol V
This book contains a collection of essays and articles by John Scales Avery discussing the severe problems and challenges which the world faces during the 21st century.

Space-Age Science and Stone-Age Politics
Looking beneath the surface of today’s news stories, we can discern an explosive mixture – Space Space-Age-Science-and-Stone-Age-Politicsage science and stone age politics. This book discusses the tensions created by the rapid rate of scientific and technological change, contrasted with the slow rate of change of our political institutions.

CRISIS 21: Civilization’s Crisis in the 21st Century
This book describes the links between the serious problems that are facing the world today – threats to the environment, growing population coupled with vanishing resources, intolerable economic inequality and the threat of nuclear war – and it proposes holistic solutions.

We Need Their Voices Today!
This book is a collection of biographical sketches showing people whose wise voices from the past can help to guide us today. All of the women and men, brief glimpses of whose lives and ideas are portrayed here, gave a high place to compassion. None of them was a slave to greed. We need their voices today!

Progress, Poverty and Population: Re-reading Condorcet, Godwin and Malthus
This work traces the history of a debate which took place among the economists, political philosophers and writers of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, about whether the benefits of scientific progress would be nullified by the growth of the global population.

The Need for a New Economic System
It is clear that our present economic system is unsustainable. Never-ending exponential industrial growth on a finite planet is a logical absurdity. We are already using resources at a rate which it would take 1.6 planet earths to replace. We are already undermining the ecological systems which support all of life. Our present economic system has led to an unbelievable degree of economic inequality.

Information Theory and Evolution
This highly interdisciplinary book discusses the phenomenon of life, including its origin and evolution (and also human cultural evolution), against the background of thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and information theory. Among the central themes is the seeming contradiction between the second law of thermodynamics and the high degree of order and complexity produced by living systems.

Civilization’s Crisis: A Set of Linked Challenges
Modern civilization faces a broad spectrum of daunting problems, but rational solutions are available for them all. This book explores the following issues: (1) Threats to the environment and climate change; (2) a growing population and vanishing resources; (3) the global food and refugee crisis; (4) intolerable economic inequality; (5) the threat of nuclear war; (6) the military-industrial complex; and (7) limits to growth. These problems are closely interlinked, and their possible solutions are discussed in this book.

Energy, Climate Change and Global Food Security
The proceedings of a symposium discussing future food shortages that may be produced by rising energy prices, climate change and population growth.

Science and Society
The latest advancements and discoveries in science have made, and continue to make, a huge impact on our lives. This book is a history of the social impact of science and technology from the beginnings of civilization up to the present. The book explains how the key inventions: agriculture, writing and printing with movable type, initiated an explosive growth of knowledge and human power over the environment. It also shows how the Industrial Revolution changed the relationship between humans and nature, and initiated a massive use of fossil fuels.

Lives in the 19th Century
We need to reform our teaching of history so that the emphasis will be placed on the gradual growth of human culture and knowledge, a growth to which all nations and ethnic groups have contributed.

We Need Immediate And Drastic Climate Action
John Avery's new book presents the reasons why we urgently need immediate and drastic climate action to save our planet earth from impending catastrophe

Lives in the 18th Century
We need to reform our teaching of history so that the emphasis will be placed on the gradual growth of human culture and knowledge, a growth to which all nations and ethnic groups have contributed.

Money and Politics
If politicians continue to use money as a guide in making decisions, we will lose the battle to save human society and the biosphere from the catastrophic long term effects of climate change.

Lives in the Ancient World
Discover the breadth and depth of human history from its earliest beginnings through the Middle Ages in this latest book by John Scales Avery.

Tasks for the Future
Today the world is facing several threats, and to avoid them we need to act. The greatest threats are catastrophic climate change and thermonuclear war, but a large-scale global famine also has to be considered.

Lives in the 17th Century
After 'Lives in the 18th Century' and 'Lives in the 19th Century' here comes 'Lives in the 17th Century'. This book is part of a series on cultural history, written by John Scales Avery.

Humanity’s Massive Footprint on the Face of Nature
If catastrophic climate change is not avoided, most parts of the earth will become uninhabitable.

Lives in the 20th Century
We need to reform our teaching of history so that the emphasis will be placed on the gradual growth of human culture and knowledge, a growth to which all nations and ethnic groups have contributed.

Warnings From The Poles
This book discusses worrying recent developments in the Antarctic and the Arctic, which warn us of catastrophic consequences if we neglect urgent climate action.

Lives in the Renaissance
We need to reform our teaching of history so that the emphasis will be placed on the gradual growth of human culture and knowledge, a growth to which all nations and ethnic groups have contributed.

Corporations Versus Democracy
Greed and lack of ethics are built into the structure of corporations. The enormous and universal power of corporate oligarchs undermines democracy.

Lives in the Middle Ages
It is important to remember that the Middle Ages were years of great scientific and cultural progress for the Islamic world, and for China and India.

Eliminating the Causes of War
Today, the development of all-destroying thermonuclear weapons has put war completely beyond the bounds of sanity and elementary humanity. Can we not rid ourselves of both nuclear weapons and the institution of war itself?

Lives in Prehistory
We need to reform our teaching of history so that the emphasis will be placed on the gradual growth of human culture and knowledge, a growth to which all nations and ethnic groups have contributed.

Homo sapiens?
Humans, in their arrogance, call themselves not just “Homo sapiens”, but “Homo sapiens sapiens”, the “wisest of the wise”! Our suicidal wars against nature and against each other can hardly be called wise.

Lives of Some Great Dramatists
This book is part of a series on cultural history. The dramatists whose lives and work are discussed here are those best known to the western world. Latest book by John Scales Avery.

Selling Weapons, Selling War
No flag has ever been wide enough to cover up atrocities of war. Today, the development of all-destroying modern weapons has put war completely beyond the bounds of sanity and elementary humanity.

Sacrificing the Earth for the Economy
The people of the world must wake up to the dangers of catastrophic climate change, and put as much pressure on our governments as possible to stop sacrificing the earth on the altar of economics.

Famine, Disease and War
Among the positive checks to population growth, are the three terrible Malthusian forces, famine, disease and war.

Lives in Molecular Biology
We need to reform our teaching of history so that the emphasis will be placed on the gradual growth of human culture and knowledge, a growth to which all nations and ethnic groups have contributed. This book is part of a series on human history as cultural history written by John Scales Avery.

Reforming the United Nations
Probably our best hope for the future lies in developing the United Nations into a World Federation. Latest book by John Scales Avery.

Steps Towards Avoiding a Climate Catastrophe
There is clear evidence that climate-related threats are becoming more severe. What are we to do? What actions can we take to avoid a climate catastrophe?

Lives of Some Great Film Directors
This book is part of a series on human history as cultural history written by John Scales Avery.

Against Nationalism
Today, in an era of all-destroying nuclear weapons, instantaneous global communication and worldwide economic interdependence, nationalism has become a dangerous anachronism.

We Are Demanding Too Much
We are demanding more from nature than nature can restore. In order to achieve a sustainable society, and to avoid a catastrophic population crash, we must strive to stabilize and later reduce human numbers. We must also strive to live more modestly, and to reduce our demands.

Lives of Some Great Philosophers
The millennia-long accumulation of knowledge and culture is a much more important part of human history than the wars and power struggles of rulers and national governments.

Iran, Past and Present
Iran: From the empire of the Medes to the death of Masha Amini and the author's personal memories. Latest book of John Scales Avery.

Lives of Classical Composers
This book is part of a series on human history as cultural history written by John Scales Avery.

Trying to Predict the Future
It’s hard to make predictions, especially about the future. How can we try to accomplish this difficult task? Latest book of John Scales Avery.

Lives in Acting
This book is part of a series on human history as cultural history written by John Scales Avery.

Our Knowledge-Based Society
As each human being is an integral part of the collective human consciousness, they affect the world much more deeply than is visible on the surface of their lives. Latest book of John Scales Avery.

Collected Essays (Volume VII) by John Scales Avery
This book by John Scales Avery, a renowned intellectual and theoretical chemist at the University of Copenhagen, contains a collection of essays and articles discussing the severe problems and challenges which the world faces during the 21st century.